Thursday, October 15, 2009

Too many cupcakes.

Too many cupcakes?! How can you have too many cupcakes?! When you're at my party is how.

cupcake array

My birthday was one big baking bonanza.

too many ingredients!

As far as I can recall, I made...

2 cakes
36 assorted cupcakes
48 mini chocolate chip cookie cupcakes

It was fun (:

There are photos, but I didn't take any of half-eaten ones! Which is a shame, because they were really pretty.

Anyway, I have a dilemma. There are too many recipes and photos to post all at once.

So I need some help...I'm posting names and a few photos, and I'm hoping someone will help me in deciding which to post first. Help!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some sugar, but mostly sense.

I baked last night and this morning. There's a ridiculous amount of things I still need to post, and I don't know where to start! I haven't uploaded last night's pictures. Suffice to say: dark chocolate. And green tea. Mmm.

On another note.
Borders just released their 100 Favourite Books of All Time

I had a really quick look at the top ten.

1. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
2. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
3. Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien
4. My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult
5. Twilight Saga Collection, Stephanie Meyer
6. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
7. The Time Traveller's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
8. The Book Thief, Mark Zusak
9. Nineteen Eighty Four, George Orwell
10. Magician, Raymond E. Feist

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's my birthday soon!

I will officially be 16 on Saturday. I usually try to tone down my birthdays. I often forget about them, until a friend goes, "Hey, isn't it your birthday today...?"

But there's a reason I'm having two parties, one for family friends and one for school friends. I GET TO BAKE TWO CAKES. That's right. And multitudes of cupcakes. And cookies. And...mmmm. I gave out invitations already.

As you might have guessed, they're cupcake-related.

cupcake invites

Share a birthday recipe or birthday cake or cupcake recipe with me (:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spread the rainbow

I love rainbows.

No, really. However much I wear black and kid myself I'm really cool, I'm a total sucker for anything brightly coloured. Extra points if it's sweet. Which is why these are the first cupcakes I made from scratch, frosted and photographed.

I think this cemented my love affair with cupcakes. How can you not love this cupcake? It's simple too. Take a standard white cake recipe, or any light-coloured recipe and add colour.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's a blog.

Yes, I'm very observant.

Hi. This is my blog. I like baking. I like sweet things. I like weird music and literature. This is about all that stuff. So thanks for coming by (: